Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ruby Screenshot of the Week #34: Detecting Duplicates Hash Keys

WARNING: This blog entry was imported from my old blog on (which used different blogging software), so formatting and links may not be correct.

You didn't think we had forgotten Ruby, did you? Here's a new Ruby editor feature: Detecting duplicate hashkeys. As "Fjan" (who filed the
request) says, when some Rails calls allow dozens or more keys, you can accidentally add a hash key twice, with subtle results. NetBeans now tracks these down and points them out for you.

This is going into 7.0, but you can use this 6.5-compatible module as well.

Martin and Erno have also been hard at work. There are many new features in 6.5 (which I'll cover when 6.5 ships in a week or two). But in the 7.0 trunk, the debugger can attach to arbitrary and remote processes - see
Martin's blog entry for more info. And Erno has added support for Shoulda testing and more test runner improvements - details here.

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