WARNING: This blog entry was imported from my old blog on blogs.sun.com (which used different blogging software), so formatting and links may not be correct.
Creator 2 EA2 now supports JSF refactoring. Take a look at this screenshot of the Refactoring window:
You might think supporting Refactoring is a slamdunk since we're built on top of NetBeans 4.1 which supports refactoring.
However, notice that we're doing a lot of JSF specific stuff here.
- We update value binding expression references
- We update navigation rules
- We update managed beans definitions
- We update web.xml if the start page has been renamed
Eric had to do a lot of work to get our Creator source modeller to play nice with
the NetBeans one. Yes, we're working to resolve this architectural redundancy - that was partly the agenda for the August
trip to Prague.
Here are some of the suspects at our favorite breakfast bistro in Prague:
Robert Brewin,
Tom Ball, and
Eric Arseneau. Yes, the Eric who did the Creator refactoring work.
This particular cafe serves the largest lattés I've ever seen; not quite "Big Gulp" size but certainly
a healthy morning dose to combat jet lag!
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