Thursday, December 18, 2008

JavaOne Submissions Due

WARNING: This blog entry was imported from my old blog on (which used different blogging software), so formatting and links may not be correct.

The deadline for submitting talks for JavaOne 2009 is almost here. I was on one of the review committees last year, and saw many common patterns for rejected talks. I wrote these up in a blog entry last year - "Why Your JavaOne Submission Was Rejected. You might want to skim through it again while reviewing your submissions one final time!

Also, there's a new book about develping Ruby and Rails code with NetBeans, written by Chris Kutler and Brian Leonard. I reviewed some of the content and it looked very good. There are a lot of books on Ruby and Rails, but this book really shows you how to do things effectively with NetBeans. Mastering your tools is one of the best gifts you can give yourself as a developer (or as a craftsman of any craft, I think). I gave this advice a while back when I was interviewed for the JavaOne daily newspaper. Highlights from these interviews were recently compiled in this article, containing advice for students from a variety of developers. When this article was discussed on DZone I was surprised to see some people still talk about IDEs as something to be avoided until you know what you're doing. I think precisely when you are new to Java should you use an IDE to help you explore IDEs, to pinpoint errors are you're typing code rather when you try to run javac from the command line etc. The same goes for Ruby, Python, PHP, and so on. The IDEs let you explore APIs using code completion and go to declaration, they present important operations in project and execution menus, quickfixes and semantic warnings pinpoint errors in your code, and so on. If you're still writing code with Notepad, you're missing out.

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