Saturday, March 24, 2007 is down

WARNING: This blog entry was imported from my old blog on (which used different blogging software), so formatting and links may not be correct.

Several people have pinged me about this so I thought I would post a blog entry on it:

The machine which was running is down because of hardware failure. It's at home with Trung now who's fixing it. Not sure when it will go back to the ISP and be back online.

The Ruby IDE Installation Instructions refer to kits from You'll have to use the other option for now - the Daily Update Center. It's lagging a bit behind the most recently integrated changes, which unfortunately means it doesn't have the latest and greatest.

I've uploaded a custom build of version 0.45 here (9.3 Mb). It's the contents within the ruby1 cluster. This means that you unzip this content in your user directory (if you've been installing the Ruby support from the update center in the past), or inside the ruby1 cluster in your IDE installation (if you've been downloading full kits from, or inside the extra/ cluster (if you're using an older version of the IDE where ruby1 isn't in the included clusters list, or if you were installing into a separate cluster directory referenced from your netbeans.conf). (By the time you reach this, the Daily Update center may have caught up, so check that option first. The version number on the update center is displayed in the dialog when you select the Ruby feature module.)

One of the new features you'll find (added yesterday) is an enhancement to the occurrences highlighting. Now, if you place the cursor on the declaration line for a method, the exit points for the method are highlighted: the last statement, any return statements, any yield statements, and any raise or fail calls.


  1. Hi Tor

    There is currently support for auto-highlighting, given a variable is selected, of all other occurances of the variable in that method, which is great.

    Is there support for 1 step beyond this (like JBuilder had/has) where you can say I want to RENAME this variable after which you can rename it then and there inline, with all the other occurances being renamed at the same time? (in general for NetBeans, but particularly I'm interested in the Ruby skew)


  2. Tor (let me know if this isn't the right forum for this)

    I get the following when opening my first ruby file from an existing Ruby project I opened in NetBeans:

    org.tigris.subversion.svnclientadapter.SVNClientException: NetBeans Subversion support requires Subversion executable!
    Install Subversion 1.3 ( or later,
    add it to PATH,
    test by running 'svn --version' from command line, and
    finally restart the IDE, please.
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.client.UnsupportedSvnClientAdapter.unsupported(
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.client.UnsupportedSvnClientAdapter.setConfigDirectory(
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.client.SvnClientFactory$ClientAdapterFactory.setupAdapter(
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.client.SvnClientFactory$ClientAdapterFactory.createSvnClient(
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.client.SvnClientFactory.createSvnClient(
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.Subversion.getClient(
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.Subversion.getClient(
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.Subversion.getClient(
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.VersionsCache.getFileRevision(
    at org.netbeans.modules.subversion.Subversion$SubversionOriginalContent.getOriginalFiles(
    at org.netbeans.modules.versioning.spi.OriginalContent.getText(
    [catch] at org.netbeans.modules.versioning.diff.DiffSidebar$RefreshDiffTask.fetchOriginalContent(
    at org.netbeans.modules.versioning.diff.DiffSidebar$RefreshDiffTask.computeDiff(
    at org.netbeans.modules.versioning.diff.DiffSidebar$
    at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
    at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$

  3. That message is unrelated to the Ruby support - it's coming from the Subversion support in NetBeans, and is printed at startup if you system "svn" executable is too old. I used to get the same on my OSX box until I installed Subversion on it. If you don't plan on using Subversion at all, you can disable the Subversion support in the Tools | Module Manager (or jsut ignore the exception, it doesn't affect anything else).
