WARNING: This blog entry was imported from my old blog on blogs.sun.com (which used different blogging software), so formatting and links may not be correct.
Hi there - I'm posting this from one of the SunRay terminals on the show floor at JavaOne in the pavillion. It's been a great show so far. It started with NetBeans day yesterday. The event was packed - in fact hotel staff was getting concerned (and got involved) when they thought we'd exceed the allowed limit (for safety issues). I thought the keynote addresses by Tim Cramer, Jonathan Schwartz and Rick Ross were very good as well. We then broke into individual sessions, and I gave an hour demo of Creator. Since less than half of the audience had seen Creator I did a lot of Creator 1.0 things, such as showing the basic JSF web event driven programming model. I showed some of the new powerful components, such as the table, and the file upload component. I was working up to a REALLY cool demo with the file upload component, but unfortunately I ran into a bug - and couldn't get file upload to work. It turns out that the component doesn't work right when you both have installed the app server in a directory with spaces AND you're using Internet Explorer to do the upload! Unfortunately we didn't discover that that was the problem until the demo was over. All in all though I think the attendees got a feel for what WYSIWYG web development with Creator is like.
This morning I demoed Creator in Jonathan Schwartz' keynote, in Jonny Loiacano's software segment. I started out showing Creator 2, and then showed the new AJAX component. You can find this component library on the Creator Early Access site. I will blog about that demo separately - and I have LOTS of pictures from the show and backstage that I want to share with you. When I get to a place where I can upload my pictures I'll post another entry.
I JUST went to a really fabulous presentation in the pavillion theater by Neal Tisdale from New Energy, and his lead engineer, Dick Wall. They were presenting their experiences using Creator (1.0) on a time crunched project and their experiences. The presentation was really great, especially because it made use of humor. And after a while there was a whole crowd gathered behind the theater listening in.
It's time to head over the the Ask The Experts tables where I'll be fielding Creator questions. Check back tomorrow for event pictures!