Thursday, March 25, 2010

Transparent windows on Linux

WARNING: This blog entry was imported from my old blog on (which used different blogging software), so formatting and links may not be correct.

JavaFX makes it easy to create non-rectangular windows -- just set a StageStyle.TRANSPARENT on your
We use rounded corners on our popup menus, and we also have a non-rectangular and alpha-blended splash screen.

The other day I was checking how the cursors were looking on different platforms, and imagine my horror when I discovered how our new splash screen and rounded menus looked on Linux! Here they are -- as you can see you end up with white rectangles around the supposed-to-be-blended areas:

That looks.... craptastic!

Historically, the JDK didn't support alpha blended windows on Linux. However, that was added a while ago (I'm not sure exactly which version, but I think it was JDK 6 update 14). It turns out that the FX code which initializes the native frame for the stage does not do conditional checking for this; it simply turns off transparency on Linux. Fortunately, there's a System property you can set to force it to respect the transparency flag. You would obviously only do this if you know you are running on a JDK which supports transparency. And that's easy!

In your startup code, do something like this:

if (Utils.IS_LINUX and Utils.jdkAtLeast(1, 6, 0, 14)) {
java.lang.System.setProperty("javafx.allowTransparentStage", "true");

There are a couple of utility methods here that are simple - just looking at some system properties to determine whether we're on Linux and whether we're on a particular version of the JDK or higher (if you run on non-Sun/Oracle JDKs you may want to check for that as well).

public def IS_LINUX = osName.contains("linux");
public def IS_MAC = osName.contains("mac");
public def IS_WINDOWS = osName.contains("windows");
public def IS_SOLARIS = osName.contains("solaris");

* Is the version of the running JDK at least major.minor.micro_update?
* In 1.6.0_18 macro=1,minor=6,micro=0,update=18
public function jdkAtLeast(macro: Integer, minor: Integer, micro: Integer, update: Integer): Boolean {
def runtimeVersion = java.lang.System.getProperty("java.runtime.version");
def pattern = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile("^(\\d)\\.(\\d)\\.(\\d)_(\\d+)-");
def matcher = pattern.matcher(runtimeVersion);
if (matcher.find()) {
def currentMacro = Integer.valueOf(;
def currentMinor = Integer.valueOf(;
def currentMicro = Integer.valueOf(;
def currentUpdate = Integer.valueOf(;
if (currentMacro < macro or currentMinor < minor or
currentMicro < micro or currentUpdate < update) {
return false;


With that modification at startup, we get much nicer results:

P.S. Yes, there's a JIRA issue tracking this to be automatically done by the platform, RT-4797.

P.S.2. This is for desktop; I'm not sure this code is mobile-safe.

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